James 3:13-18 Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom
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# Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom ## James 3:13-18 [Samuel Ferrara](https://unsplash.com/photos/IEHPDNk2-8w "caption") --- # What does **wisdom** # look like? >>> + Einstein? Bill Gates? + long-bearded sage on mountaintop? + silent patriarch who closes a noisy debate with a single word? --- ## [James](#/outline): **Keep the Faith** + Stands the **Test** [(1:2-12)](# "ref") + Demands a **Change** of Heart [(1:19-25)](# "ref") + Loves **Impartially** [(2:5-9)](# "ref") + **Acts** [(2:15-24)](# "ref") + Tames the **Tongue** [(3:6-10)](# "ref") + Demonstrates **Wisdom** [(3:13-18)](# "ref") [Plattenkogel, Austria. Lukas Budimaier](https://unsplash.com/photos/6cY-FvMlmkQ "caption") --- [13](# "ref") Who is **wise** and **understanding** among you? Let them show it by their good **life**,
by **deeds** done in the **humility**
that comes from wisdom. [James 3:13 (NIV) (p.1/4)](# "ref") --- [14](# "ref") But if you harbor bitter **envy** and
selfish **ambition** in your hearts,
do not **boast** about it or deny the **truth**. [15](# "ref") Such “wisdom” does not
come down from heaven
but is **earthly**, unspiritual, **demonic**. [James 3:14-15 (NIV) (p.2/4)](# "ref") --- [16](# "ref") For where you have
envy and selfish ambition,
there you find **disorder**
and every **evil** practice. [James 3:16 (NIV) (p.3/4)](# "ref") --- [17](# "ref") But the wisdom that comes from **heaven**
is first of all **pure**; then **peace**-loving,
**considerate**, **submissive**,
full of **mercy** and good **fruit**,
**impartial** and **sincere**. [18](# "ref") **Peacemakers** who sow in peace
reap a **harvest** of righteousness. [James 3:17-18 (NIV) (p.4/4)](# "ref") --- ## [James 3b:](# "ref") Faith that
Demonstrates Wisdom + **Practise**, not Pretense [(v13)](# "ref") + Free of Bitter **Passion** [(v14-16)](# "ref") + **Peacemaking** [(v17-18)](# "ref") [Samuel Ferrara](https://unsplash.com/photos/IEHPDNk2-8w "caption") --- Who is **wise** and **understanding** among you? [James 3:13 (NIV)](# "ref") [Ju On](https://unsplash.com/photos/e6XsI7qqvAA "caption") >>> + *wise*: + ancient Gr: mastery of **skill** + **practical**, not theoretical + can be **taught** / learned + but true wisdom **gift** of gods + Plato: know **being**, self + *understanding* (ἐπιστήμων): + put [self, mind] **standing** upon + consider, investigate + do you believe yourself to be wise? --- Not many of you should become **teachers**,
my fellow believers, because you know that
we who **teach** will be judged more **strictly**. [James 3:1 (NIV)](# "ref") [Savoie, France. Thomas Tixtaaz](https://unsplash.com/photos/rdwkamJlpiU "caption") >>> + **pride** + ch1: **listeners** of Word + but not **doers** + 1:26 consider self **religious** + ch2: envy the **rich** + but insult the **poor** + ch3: believe self **teacher** + but not tame **tongue** + ch4: **conflict** + believe self **wise**? + true **test** of wisdom: --- Let them **show** it by their good **life**,
by **deeds** done in the **humility**
that comes from wisdom. [James 3:13 (NIV)](# "ref") [Ju On](https://unsplash.com/photos/e6XsI7qqvAA "caption") >>> + *show*: not show **wisdom** + look at me, so wise! + but: show your **deeds** + *good life* (καλῆς ἀναστροφῆς): + not life of **luxury** + but life of **virtue**: noble + out of **everyday** life + *humility* (ἐν πραΰτητι): **gentle**, mild + tame, **friendly** + **meek**: strength used to accommodate the weak + show, out of your life of virtue, your deeds in wisdom's humility --- # As I gain wisdom,
am I more
**gentle** in **deeds**, or
**proud** in **words**? --- ## [James 3b:](# "ref") Faith that
Demonstrates Wisdom + Practise, not Pretense [(v13)](# "ref") + **Free of Bitter Passion** [(v14-16)](# "ref") + Peacemaking [(v17-18)](# "ref") [Samuel Ferrara](https://unsplash.com/photos/IEHPDNk2-8w "caption") --- But if you harbor bitter **envy** and
selfish **ambition** in your hearts,
do not **boast** about it or deny the **truth**. [James 3:14 (NIV)](# "ref") [Janko Ferlič](https://unsplash.com/photos/ACAK6F9mzgs "caption") >>> + even the **wise** may have this + *envy*: seek, **zeal**, jealousy + not: want what **others** have + but: passionate **desire** over + e.g., cleansing of **temple** + *bitter*: Heb12:15 **root** + *selfish ambition* (ἐριθεία): **day-labourer** + **debase** self for gain + not just **selfishness**, + but misplaced **priorities**: + exchange **higher** things + for base profit + *boast*: see as **superior** + *deny*: **lie**, incorrect + if you think this is **wisdom**, + you've believed in a **lie**: --- Such “wisdom” does not
come down from heaven
but is **earthly**, **unspiritual**, **demonic**. [16](# "ref") For where you have
**envy** and selfish **ambition**,
there you find **disorder** and every **evil practice**. [James 3:15-16 (NIV)](# "ref") [Ukraine. Paul Itkin](https://unsplash.com/photos/xCdFXXoZkJc "caption") >>> + the **source**: + *earthly*: of **earth** (vs heaven) + *unspiritual*: **psyche**, life + common with animals + of **nature**, instinct + *demonic*: of **demons** + the **consequence**: + *disorder*: **instability** + no moral **compass** + *evil practise*: **deeds** --- # Have I confused # **passion** and **ambition** # with **wisdom**? >>> + who are my role models? --- ## [James 3b:](# "ref") Faith that
Demonstrates Wisdom + Practise, not Pretense [(v13)](# "ref") + Free of Bitter Passion [(v14-16)](# "ref") + **Peacemaking** [(v17-18)](# "ref") [Samuel Ferrara](https://unsplash.com/photos/IEHPDNk2-8w "caption") --- But the wisdom that comes from **heaven**
is first of all **pure**; then **peace**-loving,
**considerate**, **submissive**,
full of mercy and good fruit,
impartial and sincere. [James 3:17 (NIV)](# "ref") [Iceland. Davide Cantelli](https://unsplash.com/photos/H3giJcTw__w "caption") >>> + *comes from above*: + not virtues to **chase** after + but **recognise** God's gift + 8 attributes in 4 couplets + *pure*: **holy**, set apart + what does **wisdom** have to do with **holiness**? + *peace-loving*: peaceful + *shalom*: right, whole **relationship** + w/God, w/others + *considerate* (ἐπιεικής): **meek** + kind, clemency, compassion + of **judge** / king / in power + lenience to **letter** of law + to uphold **spirit** of law + *submissive* (εὐπειθής): easily **persuaded** + **yields** to truth / reason --- But the wisdom that comes from heaven
is first of all *pure*; then *peace*-loving,
*considerate*, *submissive*,
full of **mercy** and good **fruit**,
**impartial** and **sincere**. [James 3:17 (NIV)](# "ref") [Iceland. Davide Cantelli](https://unsplash.com/photos/H3giJcTw__w "caption") >>> + what is **abundant** in wisdom + what is **absent** in wisdom + *mercy*: + **emotion** of compassion, sympathy + manifest as **action**: + withholding due **punishment** + and/or extending **aid** + (Lk10:37) good **Samaritan** + *good fruit*: works + *impartial* (ἀδιάκριτος): w/o: + separation, distinction, **prejudice** + **wavering**, ambiguity + cf **1:6** ask God w/o doubting + (but not **2:1** favouritism) + *sincere* (ἀνυπόκριτος): w/o: + **hypocrisy**, playing part + e.g., **responding** w/wisdom to ungodly words + e.g., FIL **jokes** at others' expense + wants us to **laugh** along + JJ: "that's not funny", "**crazy** talk" + ⇒ respond w/ **compassion** + **worth** from Creator, not bc push down others + "God, give me **wisdom** how to respond" --- If any of you **lacks wisdom**,
you should **ask God**,
who gives **generously** to all
without finding **fault**,
and it will be **given** to you. [James 1:5 (NIV)](# "ref") [© 2010 @bigbirdz, CC-BY 2.0](https://www.flickr.com/photos/bigbirdz/5024081279 "caption") >>> + wisdom **attainable**? + 4 do not have because do not ask --- **Peacemakers** who **sow** in peace
reap a **harvest** of righteousness. [James 3:18 (NIV)](# "ref") [Ju On](https://unsplash.com/photos/e6XsI7qqvAA "caption") >>> + a **fruit** of righteousness + in peace is **sown** + by those who **do** peace + e.g., TWU custodian Al+wife --- # Do I **recognise**
the **peace**-makers,
the **meek**, and
the **merciful**? >>> + who do I know who is peaceable? + that is true wisdom --- **Peacemakers** who sow in peace
reap a harvest of **righteousness**. [James 3:13 (NIV)](# "ref") [Samuel Ferrara](https://unsplash.com/photos/IEHPDNk2-8w "caption") ---